Still gon want more!

There’s a rap song I know that says
“You can give your girl the world, she still gon want more!” 
and I thought to myself “This guy spitting” Lol
If I’m being even more honest SHE is me, I am SHE. But WHY ? Why isnt just enough enough for us? Why do we always want more? More money, more possessions, more shine, and more faith! Sometimes we ask God for things out of selfish desires that will only benefit ourselves, and make us appear to be SELF MADE. We need to change our programming because this is not how we should move.

James 4:1-3 mentions two problems that are common amongst those that pray. We either DONT ASK or ASK FOR THE WRONG THINGS. So how’s your heart when you talk to God? Be real with yourself, do you only ask him for selfish gains?

I challenge you today, to take inventory of the many opportunities you have to bless someone and be the change you want to see.


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